Thursday, December 20, 2007


just hanging out
all BOY
sucking his fingers

We went and had the 4D ultra sound today. Everything looks perfect. He is measuring large. She said if he goes to my due date and keeps gowing like this he should weigh between 8 1/2 to 9lbs. He looks like he is due more around Feb. 25th. Shea checked all the signs and said that the baby is doing great and so am I. Thank you so much to Jarrod and my dad for doing this for my birthday. I couldn't ask for a better present.

Thanks to all my friends who have called and sent me happy birthday wishes :)

Mor 4D pics and video to come.......


Sarah said...

What a wonderful birthday present! Hope you had a great day!!!

the hadens said...

Congratulations, Anna Carol! We hope that you and Jerrod had a wonderful holiday and can't wait to read more .... Take care of yourself and know that we're thinking about you!
Jen, William, and J