Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mason 15 month

OK OK OK I finally updated the blog. I forgot to add Mason's 15 month check up. Everything is going great. He is getting to be such a big boy.
weight-25 lbs 12oz 45%
height-33 in 80%
head-19 1/2 95%

He has grown a lot since then (he is 17 months now) he likes to weigh with me at weight watchers and their scale said 28lbs the other day. I'm glad cause he was kinda scrawny. He is all over the place these days. He keeps me going that is for sure. He talks all the time and sometimes I understand what he says :) He is still pretty laid back but something happens around dark each night and he turns into crazy kid. We think he is just trying to keep himself awake.

Hope ya'll enjoy all the new posts.