Thursday, April 24, 2008

ONE month old!!!

1 month check up stats:
weight 9.14 lbs ( I know he weighs more like 11 lbs now)
length 22 1/2 in
head 15 in

He eats about every 3 hours in the day and will sleep about 6 hours after I put him down at night. He wakes up for one feeding and we go back to sleep for a few more hours (we sleep late).

We are a little late with this post but here it is. Mason is officially 1 month old. I can not believe how time flies. He is the best baby. I know everyone says that about there children but Mason really is a great baby. He LOVES to eat and sleep. What can I say he gets it honest. He knows night vs day and he will eat from anything that provides food. I am still nursing but he takes a bottle like a champ even if it is cool. Mason also likes his car seat. This is great because I am always going somewhere. He enjoys bath time. I think the warm water feels good because he loves to sit and soak. If he fusses while in the tub I will pour water on his tummy and he is happy again. He is pretty happy all day long. He only gets fussy when he is hungry or sleepy. He gets grumpy around 9 pm so that is when I feed, swaddle and put him down for bed. Jarrod and I are having so much fun watching him grow and develop his own personality. I really enjoy being home with Mason all day. He is growing so fast I don't want to miss anything.


trish Blair said...

Anna Carol,
He is getting so BIG!!
Have Fun!!-What a cutie!