Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thank you

I know how wonderfully blessed I am to have Mason. I know what a miracle childbirth is but lately it has become more apparent.
This all started because I've been blog surfing. My friends know I love to surf around and look at other blogs. Lately my searches have brought me to my knees. Ihave stumbled upon several families that have lost one of the most precious gifts, their children. I can not imagine the sadness they are dealing with. This lead me to learn about photographers who are part of a group called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep ( I hope I got this right). They are there at the hospital with the families on the most precious yet hard day of their lives. They are there to capture those precious moments in photos. It really touched me to learn my photographer Christy Hollingshead is part of this amazing group of people.
Is God telling me something? Since Mason has been born I have heard and read more and more stories about families losing their children after only being with them a few short hours. It is like He is saying "WAKE UP ANNA CAROL! Don't you see what I have given you?"
The other night I was reading about a family and looking at their pictures when I just broke down. Mason was sound asleep but I went in and picked him up anyway. I just needed to hold him close and thank God for blessing us with this perfect little boy. I feel so touched by these families I had to share. My friend Sarah Bradshaw has a video link you all should see (see link below). It is about the strongest christian family I think I have ever heard of.
So I want to say "Thank you." Thank you God for reminding me how precious every moment is and how you have a plan for everyone. Like the video says there really is no "plan B." I had my life pictured a little different but God had other plans. I planned on having my mom here with me teaching me to be a great mommy. That was not His plan. Instead He taught me that I had more strength than I ever could imagine.

My Precious gift from God


Sarah said...

Wow. I'm touched that you found the Smith's story as humbling as I did. I think we've all got a thing or two to learn about God's Master Plan and His mercy to carry us through when we don't quite "get" His plan. What a reassuring thing that can be. Squeeze that little man for me. I'm happy he's in my life, too.

Kerri said...

Anna Carol,
You are amazing. Beside being one of the strongest people I know and dealing with being a new mommy without the help of your mommy, you are always first to want to help other people. You are truely doing a great job. I know you sometimes don't think so, but know that your mama would be very proud of you!
I too could not begin to think about not having one of my babies, and am grateful there are people like our Christy out there to help these familes through this difficult time in thier lives. What a true gift and show of a pure christian's heart!
How true that there is no "Plan B". I did a great bible study from Angela Thomas called "Living Your Life as a Beautiful Offering". It really taught me that even though our lives don't always end up like we want them to be that God does have a plan and we just have to listen for what HIS plan is and not our own. Take it from this girl that has lived the last few years on HER plan and has just recently got HIS plan! God is good if we just let him be! He CAN do ALL things!
I love you and you are truely my sister!

Emily said...

Anna Carol, I too am a "blog surfer" and actually came across Angie Smith's blog through a friend of a friend of a friend...and was so extremely touched by their story. It has made a huge impact on my life as I know it has many others. Thank you so much for sharing...

Molly said...

Okay, you sure can write a tear jerker. I am amazed at the strength you've have in the past year and a half. You are doing a great job with Mason (and Jarrod ;)I'm with Kerri...I'm sure you're mom is telling everyone in heaven how proud of you she is. You are a great friend and I'm glad to have you in my life. Love ya girly!!

Anonymous said...

I am in awe with the Smith's story. I would like to share this family with you