Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Home sweet home

Well last week we had a little drama. I was 35 weeks and I found out on Tuesday that my blood pressure was pretty high. When I went to school on Wednesday I got the nurse to check it. It was 137/100. I called the doctor and he said if it does not go down in a little while to go home and rest until my appointment that afternoon. Well it did not go down it went up so I was sent home at 10:30. When I got to the doctor it had gone back down to normal but he wanted me to stay home and rest for a week or so. I was not expecting this but I am glad he did it. I feel SO preggo right now and I think if I had to get up and get dressed everyday for work I would be so zapped by the time I got to school. I am just hanging out with Zoey and waiting on Mr. Mason to make his appearance. We also had an ultrasound and Mason looked perfect. He weighed about 7.3 ALREADY. I know this can be off by several ounces but I think he is going to be pretty big. I go to the Doctor tomorrow for my first "check" so I'll know more after that.


Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about the blood pressure.....not so sorry that you get to prop those unbelievably gorgeous and swollen feet up for a while. Enjoy it...those days will soon be a distant memory!!! :) Take care of yourself and keep me posted. We're planning a trip back to AR sometime in April. I'll come and watch little man while you catch some zzzz's. :) See ya soon!

Kerri said...

I'm gald he sent you home too. You need the R and R! Don't do anything- just call me! Love ya and little man!

Laura and Donnie said...

Take the break while you can! It is the last one you will get for a long time!!! Let me know if Megan I an can do ANYTHING for you!!!

Emily said...

I'm so sorry about your blood pressure! I hope you are able to take it easy and get lots of rest. I also hope you have lots of good movies and magazines to keep you occupied!

I'm sure your dog loves having you home! :)